Sad to know that in writing this post I will receive some eye rolls and who cares and what's even sadder is that I expect will mostly be from women.
As I was looking on Facebook and the internet earlier today, I kept coming across pictures and articles of women being and acting anything but modest. Not that this is any new issue but it just got to me for some reason today. Maybe because my youngest son's birthday is today and he is only 7 years old. Or maybe because I was also in the car with my 11 year old son today for about an hour and the talks we have can be quite special when it's just the two of us. Or maybe it's because I spoke to my daughter earlier as she was having lunch with her boyfriend. Maybe it's because of all of those reasons and I constantly saw my childrens' faces when reading or seeing these articles and pictures.
I hurt for them. I hurt for not being a modest and godly enough mother for my daughter when she was younger and not setting that example for her. I hurt for my boys who will constantly be tempted and slapped in the face by women throwing themselves at them, walking around half naked, and plastering themselves provocatively on every billboard and internet post possible. I hurt that we live in a society where we accept and dare I say welcome this type of attitude and behavior out of women. No wonder it's now a minority status these days to actually stay married death til you part. Am I saying sex and lust ruin marriages? Yes. Am I saying that is the root of the problem? No. Our values and principles to have and raise children who love the Lord and respect others is vanishing. And these are adults that are posting these pictures and acting this way! How are we supposed to raise children with self worth and ethics when we as adults don't have them??? I'll tell you one reason...because we have concocted the notion that women should be proud of their bodies therefore showing it for all the world to see is acceptable. Women are absolutely correct in embracing our sexuality but not at the expense of being degrading and luring to other men and to be honest children. To be quite frank, I would be appalled knowing that some 13 year old boy was looking at my half naked picture having thoughts that he shouldn't be having! If we women want to pretend that isn't happening then we are in complete denial. Literally makes me sick to my stomach. Then to back it up with some comment once we've been confronted about it to only point the finger at that child or his parents for not knowing his every move every second of the day to justify "presenting yourself" is just shameful. I don't allow my boys to have a phone or a computer. I don't allow my boys to text girls or call girls. In fact, I don't encourage my boys to have girlfriends. My boys are not allowed to use phrases like "she's hot". I am not claiming to be the perfect mother or even a mother who has it all together. I fail miserably every day and make mistakes infinitely it seems but I do have enough common sense to know what modesty looks like and how I want my sons to one day be attracted to women with that same principle.
Quite honestly when women post pictures of themselves online, I don't think it is because they are embracing their womanhood. I believe it's a shout for attention. Any woman who is truly at peace with who she is doesn't need likes on Facebook to confirm it. Are our insecurities so deep that we need to show off our fake tans and breast enhancements to get a couple of "likes" on Facebook knowing that our children and our children's friends are our "friends" too? Are we so insecure that we have to send married men private messages with inappropriate words or pictures? Regardless of whether any pictures or words are in that message, the key word there is private. If it can't be sent over the airwaves of Facebook for all to see, why send it? Are we so insecure that we need attention from social media or blogs or the internet or texts? My boyfriend and I often talk about this and throughout our conversation it always comes back to one thing. In the end, women want to blame men for degrading them when in reality we are doing it for them. Many many years ago I had the attitude spurned from bitterness and low self worth "I'm going to treat men how they treat women. I'll use them." All the while, I was the one being used. It was never a one way street.
Women are beautiful creations by God. I am embracing that with one of my favorite pictures taken a couple of months ago of myself with three beautiful women. You won't find much skin in this picture and I'm declaring we are just as beautiful like this over any photo of a group of half dressed women!
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