Thursday, January 3, 2013

Are You Qualified or Called?

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies THE CALLED.  Genesis 50:19-21.  Random.  Do those two sentences even go together?  My guess would be...uh...negative. Well, let's just see...Wait...hold up...maybe before I try to figure out how those two thoughts might be intertwined I should first consider why God even put those thoughts on my heart to begin with in the first place.  

Thought #1 - God does not call the qualified, He qualifies THE CALLED.  This is my screen saver so I see this many times a day, every single day.  Why has this been speaking to me the past 24 hours?  That part is pretty clear to be honest.  As I embark on another journey, I am HUMBLY reminded that this next avenue that God has me on is NOT about me.  This is totally and completely about Him, His glory, His purpose - ouch! - oh wow, there's that word, purpose, that's been on my mind recently and leaving me in a restless place....hmmm...ok, refocus...yeah so totally and completely about Him, His glory, His purpose, His work, His healing, His story.  I am not on this road because I am equipped to be there.  God knows I know that!  But in some sort of twisted way I think the enemy of my soul would like for me to believe otherwise.  To believe that I am equipped.  To believe that I can do this with little help from God because I've been there done that.  Of course, the enemy clearly knows that I would fall flat on my face completely dishonoring and belittling my Lord by thinking and doing so. The enemy isn't always so blatantly ugly, loud, or disruptive but rather subtle, quiet, and sneaky.  Even to the point of making us feel like we are doing good and honoring our God when in fact we are just doing good for and honoring ourselves, which my friends is called pride and self idolatry.  

Interesting.  While sitting down to write this post I really thought I knew what I would type out here.  I must say it certainly wasn't anything about my pride or my abilities aside from God.  Yeah, real funny, God.  But as I digress, my random thoughts are being pulled back into the realm of knowing that God doesn't use those who are qualified to do his work.  Only one man did that and his name was Jesus.  God does however use those who are obedient to his calling; therefore, equipping those with whatever needs are to be met.  I mean for crying out loud, the God of the universe created all that exists within it and outside of it and we so often think God can't handle something or can't use something or someone.  How ridiculous and immature we are..LOL.  Yes, I just put LOL in my blog but I'm sorry, it's funny :)  Admittedly I often struggle with wondering why God chooses to waste his time with me but more so I struggle when I see others struggling with wondering why God should choose to use them.  To hear words come out of the mouths of women, for instance, who clearly believe they are worthless and unusable completely saddens me and infuriates me at the same time.  To have a deep felt compassion for women who are so broken because of the lies and deception being fed into their minds yet having my blood boil because I see the stronghold of the nails of satan digging into that soul completely drives me to spend the rest of my life fighting for the kingdom of God rather than silently sitting back advocating the depths of hell!  I believe that if God picks me up and sits me down in a place where I am to share His love, His Word, or His grace, then He will equip me to do so.  Bottom line.

Thought #2 - Genesis 50:19-21.  This part of scripture says But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.  This part of scripture is referring to Joseph speaking to his brothers who had years before sold him into slavery.  His brothers feared revenge and bitter feelings from Joseph.  Rather, Joseph was loving and gracious.  Not only did Joseph have no harsh feelings toward his brothers but he proclaimed the good work of God's hands in all of that was intended for harm and exceeded that by providing for many generations to come.  So, this will be quite random with me sorting through this so brace yourselves and try to keep up.  First, don't be afraid.  Any harm that was intended for me and was given to me has and will be used for God's glory.  God has this covered.  If I continue with the verse it says "what is being done now".  Being done now is present tense.  Not past.  Not future.  Now.  Secondly, if I throw in the word accomplish in my dissection of the verses then apparently God is "finishing" or "completing" his work.... in the saving of many lives.  The saving of many lives sounds pretty much like that's from a source of good intentions that were met by harmful intentions that were imposed.  So basically, why be afraid of anything that happens to us or anything that we may be harboring from our past if we dwell in the place of God???  As my pastor so often says, "He has this thing rigged" so I think God has it covered.

Another point being, why be afraid that we aren't qualified to be a tool that God can use?  Let's just be honest and confess that we aren't qualified and must totally and completely rely on Him to provide what we need.  The sooner we swallow our pride and admit we are more than insufficient and wholly dependent on God then we could move along much faster with God's plan for us rather than wandering in the wilderness for 40 years but that's another blog!

Oh my grapes it is my desire to see women rise up from the ashes of self absorbed feminism and entitlement to the feet of Christ.  Sound odd?  Wondering how in the world do you rise up to feet that are standing on the ground?  You rise up from that pit and fall on your face where those feet are waiting that's how.  The one and only God who breathed life into every existence can certainly use someone's sin to glorify himself.  In fact, it's probably pretty simple and a no brainer.  This isn't a chess match we're playing with God and putting bets on who will have check mate in the end.  He will.  Regardless.  

It is my prayer that women will fall back to the Lord with humility and submission.  To not hold on so tightly to the lies but rather cling to the truth that sits there waiting to be grasped. Women are special and have tremendous influence over all others - children, men, and yes other women.  I have experienced that influence through women that God chose to put in my life as an answered prayer and according to His will.  Thank God this time it was positive godly influences that gave me hope that women can in fact be capable, supportive, accountable, and submissive while all along revealing to me that it is those qualities that make them strong and successful.  And quite honestly in my opinion, much more strong and successful than any high powered, ladder climbing executive, bread winning woman who lives a life apart from God.

I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears the fruit bore and spoken through a broken, feeble, deceived, full of despair woman who by the grace of God was raised up by His hands to glorify Him with her junk through her clinging faith in Him.  And might I add that He even gave this woman her first dance one special evening to this song...

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